Ramblings of a Gen-Xer aka the Retro Corner


Since I take my 520ST with me to Atari meetings, I really missed having a floppy drive with me. The 520ST does not have an internal floppy but the positive of this is that the 520ST dimensions are easier to fit into a backpack.

Another issue is that the floppy port sits right next to the ACSI port on the 520ST so there is not a lot of room for a floppy connector.

But then I stumbled upon this creation by a Dutch retrocomputing seller which I already had bought several items from.


UPDATED 17-SEP-2024 According to the seller the PCB works 99% sure with all models of Goteks, the adapter board on the floppyport of the ST also has a 3D printed housing now.

This version will only work with the older type GOTEK but luckily I only have old stuff lying around at home :)

For another project I had bought an ABS case with closely resembles the grey ST colour.


So the idea was born to create a mini-GOTEK.

FloppyDrive_DIN14 Gotek_Connected Gotek_ACSI

Now to adapt the case to fit the GOTEK PCB and the adapter.

Gotek_Assembly_in_case_first_try Case_front_before_cutout Case_front_USB_cutout

After 2 hours of Dremel cutouts and filing this is the result.

Case_front_after_cutouts Case_back_after_cutouts

A size comparison between Cumana external ST diskdrive , Mini Gotek , 20-pack of sigarettes


Then after receiving the next parts , a 90 Degrees Mini-B USB Cable and Piezo Buzzer, the final steps of the build could be completed.

Mini_Gotek_internals Mini_Gotek_cables

The original green LED I had fitted was a bit dull so I added a brighter red LED and made a hole for it in the case so it would be more visible.


And the final result , here is a demonstration video of
Leaving Teramis floppy image loading from the Mini-Gotek