Ramblings of a Gen-Xer aka the Retro Corner

About Me

How did I get into computers

Growing up in the 80ies, I was luckily enough to witness the boom of home-computing.

At a young ago I got my first TV console a Pong clone , I am pretty sure it was a Tandy/Realistic model but I cannot find the exact one. It had a gun, paddles and blew my mind.


Then around the age of 12 a local toy-store which had previously carried the Atari 2600 , started to sell Colecovision and it’s first iteration of a home computer , called the Colecovision Adam.

Since it had a printer and was struggling with typing classes my parents decided to buy this for me, it basically sparked my whole interest in computers in general.


How a fork changed my route in computing

The son of that local toy-store came to our house to install and explain the Colecovision ADAM to me. He was a graduate student in IT and asked me which study-direction I was going to take.

I told him I wanted to be a translator since I had a knack for learning languages, I learned French,German and English just by watching television and reading comics/books before I even learned those languages at school.

Computers did interest me a lot but I was bad at mathematics due my lack of finding it usefull. He then somehow convinced me to take the more difficult path and I re-inscribed in the same school but going for a Programmer degree … mathematics would bite me in the ass until I quit school.

You cannot have everyting in life

I had the luck of finding a trash-dumped 8086 en route to my local swimming-pool. The person who was putting out the trash, told me they were a DTP bureau and it had been written off in their accounting.

It was the bare case with 5 1/4 floppy, no video-card, no keyboard , no monitor. So after I had to go back there with my mother and had the same man explain to her , I hadn’t stolen the PC , my parents saved up and bought the remaing parts for it.

In school we were using Tulip PC’s (a Dutch brand) and as such I had a computer to do my school-work on.

BUT at a local computer club here in my home-town suddenly there was a guy , who was sitting alone at a table playing back a voice through his speakers of his monitor.

Me and the other PC owners rushed to his table, it was the RedSector MegaDemo on his Amiga 500 , from that moment I fell in love with the Demoscene and really wanted a 16-bit machine.

The only sound I had was the beeps that came out of my PC speaker.

A shop that sold office supplies also sold software in a little section of their shop. I would go there to buy my PC games but they had a little corner next to it with all these beautifull machines, their grey-coloured cases, the stripes, no bulky-desktops, so much colours on their screens. They were a local Atari dealer and I fell in love with the ST, its mouse, GEM …

So after finding out an ST floppy-drive could also read DOS diskettes I convinced my parents to visit the store and buy me an ST.

One day I came home from school, and there was a huge box sitting in my room. But my enjoyment quickly turned to sorrow, it was no ST , it was an XT . I tried to convince my parents to return it and exchange it for an ST but no luck , my father made it very clear , I should count my blessings on even getting a computer. ( reflecting on this as an adult, knowing the price they paid , I was spoiled )

So there I sat disappointed in my room with my Zenith Eazy-PC


The way forward

I moved to a 286 afterwards , discovered cracktro’s, PC Demoscene, 300 baud modems eventually ending with a 386-DX I bought using my godfather’s saving-account. PC’s had evolved, we had VGA, Soundblasters, and the Demoscene exploded. However I still checked on the other ANSI/Music/Demoscenes thanks to BBSes.

Until I had ranked up such a huge phonebill that my mother pulled the literal plug. So many fond memories of those 4 years on BulletinBoards.

Life as an adult

My 386DX survived Y2K and I used it extensively until 2002 when a friend kindly told me to get with the times and gave me a Pentium-II with Windows.

I didn’t really have to urge to move to Windows, I was using my 386DX without Internet , DigitalResearch DOS 6.0 and GEM (for DOS) as a GUI.

After being bit again by the retro-bug first in collecting Apple PowerPC’s I finally started owning Atari’s. First an 130XE and then finally an 1040STfm .

By now I have so many PowerPC’s and 8-16bit Atari’s mainly and attend Atari meetings/events.